Thursday, January 15, 2009

Narshada Screenshots

Eight new screenshots have been added to the narshada gallery section of the official Dark Forces Mod website.

Yes. Your eyes are NOT deceiving you. That's the official DFMod website. We have officially gained access to and will be using the website in the future for major news updates, screenshots, etc. This blog, in the meantime, will continue to serve as a news and updates page with a (from henceforth) more informal style. Think of it as a personal journal on the development of the mod. So it won't be as much of a major source of updates as it will be insights and thoughts on the development of the project. So, keep it in your bookmarks and checkback often.


Anonymous said...

Awesome lighting effects! Please use more light to hide repetitive nature of textures :)

Zhaboka said...

Sweet Jesus! Those are beautiful. Y'know, with this and the MotS mod still actually in development, we might be getting some amazing things very late in the history of JKA! I applaud you and your comrades!